Oil Palm Plantation

Doing What We Know Best

We believe in the development of human resources and the recruitment of like-minded people to lead the organisation. We are committed to promoting career advancement through partnership and we have seen more inspired individuals joining our team and become our company’s growth drivers.

Moving forwards, Archilles Group is taking the next step on ethical and environemental business practices to protect the environment and natural resources for the future generations.

Sustainability – Our Core Guiding Principle

The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme is the national scheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations and palm oil processing facilities to provide a credible sustainable and responsible management, to bring about positive social, environmental and economic impacts while minimising the negative impacts, particularly on its people and the environment.

Archilles Group received the MSPO Certification in 2019 and we maintain a strict non-exploitation policy that applies to our operations and third-party suppliers. This principle ensures that all plantations under our management are operated in a socially responsible and eco-friendly manner. As we continue to pursue greater heights, we are also committed to achieving higher global standards.

Maximizing Quality Production of Oil Palm Harvests Through Prudent Management Practices
Contributing Value to Both Partners and The Local Community
Maximized Sustainability Through Non-Exploitation of The Environment and The People
Modern Management and Collaboration for Acceptable Global Quality Standards
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